January 2025
The Psalmist provides us with exhortation and thought provoking resonances as the world descends into a more profound state of disarray and chaos. Let not the delusion that the times are changing for the better be reason to let down our guard. Many will be saddened as they seem to get what they wish for … yet the diligent will not be surprised by what these days of tribulation continue to unleash … surely the breaking of the seals has begun ... the horseman has emerged! Sometimes a "deal is a deal" whereas other deals are simply meant to be broken! Despite this fact sometimes the big surprise is "who" breaks the deal ... hmmm!
“Witness Time”: As the buzz around “times such as this” continue to proliferate across the global web, the Psalmist yet again turns attention to the convergence of times and signs. As many hopeful, but misinformed, Christians await a “rapture” to escape these perilous times, the Psalmist exhorts patience and diligence since “everything” is appointed its due time … including the seals and assuredly the two witnesses of Revelation. THE LORD has provided an abundance of clues for those who seek … let us be thankful for the Psalmist’s exhortations and pointers given to us with “Witness Time”!
“Double Portion”: The Psalmist sifts through the patterns and clues contained within Scripture while focusing upon Elijah, Elisha and Yochanan the Immerser … otherwise known as voices in the wilderness or witnesses. Perhaps it is not strange that all of these special servants are connected in a most unique way. Perhaps Elijah’s Mantle was a portent … then again perhaps Elijah’s Mantle still is a portent and sign as we await the emergence of the Witnesses.
“Surprise – Surprise”: The Psalmist continues the Aliyah through the “Kings” and has little problems extrapolating “the delusion” of peace or destruction all the way out to what Paul declares “as a thief in the night”. THE LORD’s ways are not our ways … and why, how and when HE acts are not subject to our expectations or understanding. The Psalmist does well in shedding light on this dynamic … for those willing to heed the patterns in Scripture and prepare just perhaps the things that are coming will not be such a surprise!
All three soul resonances can be found at the Psalmist's Tribulation site page.
December 2024
Just in time for Chanukah ... the Psalmist gifts us with a treasure trove of heart lifting soul resonance. Praise YESHUAH! Just in front of a Global Release of Album #6 "Promised Land", Yochana has graciously provided unlimited access to each new song on the inspired album. The wonderful collection of Messianic songs comes just in time as light; while a world bands together against our lovely Israel and the Jewish People. The love and support for Israel coming from the Psalmist serves as the hopes and prayers for all children of YESHUAH who love Israel and the people. The album can be can be found at Yochana's "Album MP3s" site page!
But the Psalmist's special gifts do not end with her latest album ... Yochana provides us with two timely soul resonance messages at this Chanukah Season:
"The Dwelling Place": the Psalmist ponders the heart of David and that soulful intrinsic desire to dwell in the House of THE LORD ... that longing for GOD's presence and face amidst the children of Israel.
"Thresing Floor": the Psalmist iterates once again the rights of Israel to have a House of THE LORD on Mount Zion ... on the Threshing Floor purchased by King David. In wonderful Hebraic context, the Psalmist points to the conclusion of the matter wherein the Blood Kin GO'EL will redeem the property and restore the HOUSE. Surely the patterns within Holy Scripture point only to the Son of David ... SON of ELOHIM!
Both soul resonances can be found at the Psalmist's Oh Israel site page.
And perhaps not technically correct (at this time) but all the same ... CHAG SAMEACH for we are alive at such a time as this by the hand of THE LORD! ... Tis the Season of Light ... PRAISE THE LORD!
October 2024
Updated Hebrew Appointed Times file has been uploaded to include the Mo'adim for the Roman Calendar years 2025 and 2026. The file can be found at the "Holy Days" site page under "Hebraic Roots".
Yochana the Psalmist continues her counting and movement along her Aliyah path with multiple soul resonances comprising Judges, Ruth and Samu’EL. The Psalmist’s four resonances were forged during the days of Av and Elul leading up to Tishrei. Unfortunately, the scribe was not so timely in publishing and apologizes for delaying the soulful resonances. The Psalmist proves yet again that the most amazing messianic patterns and portents within Scripture are simply without end ... if we dare to earnestly seek!
"Maidens Of The Seeds": The Psalmist digs deep connecting the last of the Book of Judges, Ruth and 1st Samuel to find a most unexpected and amazing thread to GREAT YESHUAH. These connections share the common theme of l’dor v’dor but through the most unexpected characters … the maidens of the seeds! See how wondrous things converge between Benjamin, Levi and Judah in and around Samuel. Then see how convergence and patterns happen surrounding the life of Messiah … quite extraordinary in fact. At the center of the story is the remarkable events surrounding the maidens of the seeds. The resonance can be found at the Mysterious Beloveds site page.
"Mercy Me": Yochana ponders certain woes of lovely King David, specifically those troubles associated with his granting of mercy in particular situations. Such actions by David spawned trouble and danger within his kingdom and life. Troubles encountered with Joab and Absalom plagued our sweet Psalmist. Yet the Psalmist sees the pattern of a larger picture wherein the problem at times with mercy is the unwillingness of others to simply accept the King’s decree. You may be surprised of the path taken by the Psalmist and just how close this resonance may hit home! The resonance can be found at the Light And Dark site page.
"Always Blood": The Psalmist continues searching Messiah in and through the life of King David. This time Yochana sets her focus on the bloody times and life of the King … surely this David was a man of duty, honor, war and of course bloodshed. Undoubtedly the pattern holds true for the Messiah, Son of David, and the Psalmist paints a stark picture of what the world can expect upon YESHUAH’s return simply by connecting the dots and patterns so lovingly provided for us in Holy Scripture. The resonance can be found at the Tribulation site page.
"Cycle Of Rebellion": There is a clear and present cycle of Royal rebellion depicted in Scripture regarding the Tribe of Benjamin. The Psalmist draws out the nuances of these various scenarios pitting Benjamin against the King of Judah and not surprisingly, but amazingly, shows the straight line path to … of course … Messiah YESHUAH. But be prepared for a surprise for within this tribal rebellion is also a great story of reconciliation, cleaving and love! The resonance can be found at the Oh Israel site page.
August 2024
The Psalmist gifts us with two new soul resonances inspiring us to consider patterns related to Israel’s King. Does not Benjamin precede the emergence of Judah as the rightful throne bearer … does not the “people’s choice” precede the emergence of YEHOVAH’s choice … was not Israel’s Benjamite leader a battle tested warrior set on keeping his own legacy? … Hmmm! Patterns in same but different fashion simply are … hayah!
“The Benjamite”: The Psalmist shows her heart for Israel while lamenting the patterns of destiny which play throughout history over and over again. Sensing the pattern of the Benjamite King, the Psalmist sees the heart breaking situation confronted these days by Benjamin Netanyahu. Be it desired or even unintentional, Benjamin is the “wolf” and there is no escaping destiny. As long as Israel remains steadfast in demanding “their” king … there will always be unfortunate consequences. But will the pattern of the Benjamite play out in a same-same fashion or might it be same but different? The Psalmist prays for grace and mercy while we await the anointed true KING of Judah and all Israel!
“Son Of David”: The Psalmist weighs in on varying thoughts and conjecture as to the specific portraits related to Messiah Ben Yosef and Messiah Ben Daveed. With all deference to Joseph son of Jacob, the Psalmist reveals the repeating pattern of David’s journey as played out in the life of our GREAT YESHUAH. The high level pattern of antagonism, rejection, pursuit and persecution between THE LORD’s anointed and the ruling powers of Israel seems apparent; as does the anointed ones’ unwillingness to smite their persecutors despite the power to do so. Indeed the “suffering servant” is the “Son Of Daveed”!
The resonances can be found at the Psalmist's “Oh Israel” site page!
July 2024
The Psalmist’s Aliyah continues through the wilderness and for the time being sets place in a land that remains under contention … where the forces of light battle the forces of dark … haCherem (the cursed people). How is it that the land where great ELOHIM has placed his holy name continues to cry out against defilement, murder and disobedience … without relief? It appears the Psalmist provides us solid insights into the patterns which point not surprisingly to Messiah YESHUAH. Gratitude to Yochana for sharing such gifts and resonances with the LORD’s children as we see the past catch up with the present and show us what to look for in the near future.
“Blood Avenger”: Inspired along the Wilderness Journey and Devarim, the Psalmist sets sight on the Go’EL haDam and senses within the broader picture the story of Messiah YESHUAH … bless HIM. Not only will the Avenger come against those who without cause and hate murder the children of Israel but also to gain retribution for the spilling of HIS own innocent blood. Despite the discomfort such a harsh reality may cause for many if not most believers, the Psalmist is right on target with the Blood Avenger dynamic in a proper Hebraic and Biblical context. It is a terrifying thing to be placed before a furious ELOHIM! The resonance can be found at the “Light and Dark” site page!
“Can’t Finish”: As marvelous as the Book of Joshua is from start to finish one thing remains clear … Israel never seems to be able to “finish the job” of cleansing the land which YEHOVAH gifted to them as its inheritance. The Psalmist ponders this dynamic from the days of Joshua to these present days and concludes that such shall always be the case until the return of THE KING because it simply is HIS right alone to do so. YESHUAH finished the job the first time and surely HE shall finish the job and cleanse the land the second time. Omein! The resonance can be found at the “Oh Israel” site page!
“The Do-Over”: The Psalmist yet again shows a penchant for discovering the large patterns and mysteries buried within the Holy Scriptures. Take the Jordan River crossing led by Joshua which is well known to believers … yet how many ask “What means this?” regarding the timing of the events and the Heavenly signs of those days. … Nisan Supermoon … Pesach Sheni … drifting into a broader pattern of Mo’ed Do-Overs. A pattern that becomes clear when a YESHUAH messianic context is introduced into the equation. Kudos to Yochana for going to places it appears even the sages can’t seem to stumble upon. The resonance can be found at the “Oh Israel” site page!
June 2024
The Psalmist gifts us with two new soul resonances inspired by Moses the man of G_D! Moses declared that the “Greater One” would come after him and praise YAH … the world was graced with YESHUAH … bless his holy name. YESHUAH was assuredly THE SPECIAL TREASURE … just as assuredly HE perfectly kept YEHOVAH’s CHARGE. The Psalmist considers the implications of such for believers today while seeing the “how much more”! The soul resonances can be found at the “Oh Israel” site page!
“Segulah”: The Psalmist turns interest to this infrequently used word and applies traditional Hebrew methods to connect the threads that make up the story line of the “special people” … the people who fear and obey YEHOVAH … the people whose faith make them peculiar and different from this world … the people who are selected to be a true delight to THE LORD … the people defined as Jacob AND Israel. For Paulos, the B’rit Chadasha Messenger, the outcome is clear that being peculiar means being an outcast in this world … so what people group earns this designation today? Is it still not simply the “People of the way”? Is it still not simply the “People of the way” … those having both the commandment and the testimony of YESHUAH?
“Mish’mar’to”: Yochana pays close attention to the exhortations of Moshe while pondering the “how much more” in a B’rit Chadasha perspective. This mish’mar’to (G_D’s charge/service) is intuitively wrapped up within “Shema Yisrael” in a Hebraic context through basic language conventions. This charge is fundamental to the everlasting covenant and Israel’s inheritance and the Psalmist exposes how this truth remains in a YESHUAH context … even how much more! YESHUAH came and kept G_D’s charge perfectly … and now of course we know that through HIS RUACH G_D’s charge can be completed for “HE finishes the good work that HE began in HIS children”!
May 2024
The Psalmist’s Aliyah moves through the Wilderness (BaMidbar) again and new soul resonance messages pertaining to “then” and “now” emerge … the “hayah” of patterns persisting, as they always do, within the “Living WORD” … praise THE LORD! The time of testing and trials did not end with the magnificent entry into The Land … the time of testing and trials continued … the time of testing and trials is NOW!
Yochana gifts us with four new resonances:
“Leviticus”: The Psalmist ponders the rationale behind the Latin naming of Leviticus … while “HE Called” (VAIKRA) is the Hebrew naming convention. In the wilderness as the Levites received their charge the question loomed …what be the calling and charge for the mixed multitude? Was the calling back then different from the calling unto this very day?
“Different Spirit”: In the wilderness the faith of Caleb and Joshua shined as the other spies frightened the mixed multitude with a bad report of death and doom. This fear resulted in the judgment and death of an entire generation. The Psalmist ponders the different spirit and strength of true testimony and faith … revealing how redemption is not the end of the battle but indeed the beginning! How much more relevant is this when the enemy is not just giants but powers and principalities?
“Rebellious Generation”: The wilderness experience surely exposed the hearts of a rebellious generation that was simply not willing! So what can be said of what we are witnessing in such a time as this? In Babylon … In Israel … in all the World? The Psalmist shows how the patterns continue as GOD’s plan unfolds, once again declaring how HIS plan writes the history of humanity!
“Israel’s Rebellion”: Yochana weaves the threads between the patterns of Israel’s rebellion beginning with Korah and the forty years in the wilderness straight through to Revelation and the Lake of Fire. Don’t think for a moment that the rebellion in the wilderness is disconnected from the King of Tyre or Jeroboam or Caiaphas and the judgments that result from a defiled and profaned Priesthood!
All four of the Psalmist’s soul resonances can be found at the “Light and Dark” site page!
The Psalmist's Book Of Messages, comprising all 229 soul resonances has been updated and can be found at Yochana's main site page. HaleluYAH!
April 2024
The Psalmist Yochana remains quite busy on Aliyah and gifts us with four new soul resonance messages; all of which are timely and relevant to the upcoming Passover (Pesach). As always the story of the Children of Israel can never be distanced from the story of Messiah YESHUAH … HE is the key and the only means by which the WORD can be revealed in fullness! All throughout Torah, the glory of the Son of Man is singing from the scroll. At times in hidden humble subtlety and at other times simply bellowing above the roar and noise of mankind … commanding to be heard.
“Banim”: The Psalmist in good Hebraic sentiment pays tribute to the Fathers (A’vot) but really stresses the dynamic of the special Sons (Banim) which plays out through Holy Scriptures. While Israel points to their lineage from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, THE WORD reveals the greater lineage which begets the “children of ELOHIM” through YESHUAH … the one true SON and the FATHER of all who follow HIM from redemption into salvation and eternal life.
“Coming And Going”: Just in time for Passover (Pesach), the Psalmist ponders the great mystery of Exodus within the WORD. Aliyah from Egypt, Aliyah from Babylon … and it would seem that coming and going is a repeating and converging hayah! The patterns of Israel’s comings and goings be wondrous but more so is the wonder “PELE” that leads the people. The Psalmist points out the patterns and hopes that those with ears hear the cry to come out of Babylon … it is time for coming and going!
“Wind And Sea”: What better time than Passover to muse upon the great event wherein Moses led the children of Israel across the sea to safety while being cornered by Pharaoh’s warriors. The Psalmist pays tribute to the event with this soul resonance but reveals how Moses was the picture, pattern, portrait and portent … all pointing to PELE YESHUAH … the ONE who has the real authority over the wind and sea.
“Dwelling Places”: How fitting that the Psalmist concludes this collection of Pesach soul resonances with the remembrance of the Tents of Israel as seen in vision by Balaam atop the high place at Peor. The Psalmist sees the sight as well and knows that the real story is the glory of Immanu’EL dwelling with HIS people.
All four of the Psalmist’s soul resonances can be found at the “Oh Israel” site page!
March 2024
For such a time as this the Psalmist releases four relevant and disturbing inspired resonances. Since the Sign in the Heavens at Tishri 2017, things on Earth have been difficult to say the least. Unfortunately news on the Horizon for humanity as a whole is even darker! There are some who bare witness to the chaos but most choose to address the symptoms instead of the root cause and cold hard truth. Has the collective logic of mankind made us all numb to the validity of GOD's WORD ... there is a fine line between discernment and paranoia ... hmmm!
The Psalmist weighs in on the rampant antisemitism and pro-Palestinian support seen throughout the Western Nations and assuredly in America. But the Psalmist does not view such in strict geopolitical terms but rather in Biblical terms. Quite frankly the Psalmist’s explanation is a far clearer perspective than any secular conceptions or suppositions. “Great Delusion” can be found at Yochana’s “Light And Dark” site page.
The Psalmist asks "What Has It Come To? ... as the world seems to spiral and spiral down a path of what seems like pure insanity to some. History, Facts and Reality seem to matter no longer. We now live in a world of influence, lies, lawful immorality ... blessed be those who mourn ... blessed be those who desire an end to the madness! The soul resonance can be found at Yochana’s “Tribulation” site page.
The Psalmist dreams and draws: With “Falling” Yochana sends the warning cry against the nation that regales in personal freedom and pursuits while all along liberty is being defiled and snuffed out right beneath their noses. Sadly Lady Liberty is horribly tarnished becoming the banner for whoredom, treason and lawlessness. The soul resonance can be found at Yochana’s “Tribulation” site page.
Yochana senses patterns as the great hostage crisis continues. Years ago the Psalmist sent warning that the bloodshed would come from the south on the Mo’ed. But this hostage crisis may share more in common with the last Persian kidnapping of infamy and the players involved then. The counting of days is well under way and just maybe future good news may not be such a good sign after all. “Ode To Joy” can be found at Yochana’s “Tribulation” site page.
February 2024
The Psalmist plies a different gift ... this time one of sight and mystery. Putting pencil to paper in order to depict a sight within a dream ... a sight with buried clues that leads exposure to perhaps some overlooked players within this so called New World Order! The New World Order that is already "here"! The days of dreams and signs are upon us now ... should the seers and dreamers go silent? ... Heaven Forbid! "New World Order Blues" can be found at the “Tribulation” site page!
The Psalmist continues to "dream" and render sight in order to sound the alarm for days such as these. More importantly the Psalmist provides testimony that THE LORD is not yet silent ... that HE still gives counsel to HIS people ... if they will listen. Time to prepate ... No one shall be able to say "If only we knew"! "Dreaming" can be found at the “Tribulation” site page!
The Psalmist sends a reminder to all the rebels that stand against Israel ... that stand against YEHOVAH's people and plan. Of course this population segment was born for such rebellion and anti-Semetism, but all the same the warning is sent once again! Be careful how you choose and remember that there is no such thing as neutrality ... you are either with YEHOVAH or against HIM! How can all the so called Churches remain silent while Israel is openly rebuked by the Nations? "Fair Warning" can be found at the Psalmist's "Light And Dark" site page!
The Psalmist has blessed the visitors of this site yet again (praise THE LORD) with exclusive free streaming and download access to her 5th and latest released Album titled "Wings Like A Dove". The work comprises 9 inspired renditions of select Psalms as well as 3 additional pieces from Jeremiah, Isaiah and Numbers. There are no words that can be said to Yochana to adequately express the thanks for such gracious selfless contributions to this humble site over the years. But let our thanks be provided by way of prayers that the Psalmist's charge and gifts continue to yield glory for our GREAT ELOHIM ... bless YESHUAH forever and ever! The album can be can be found at Yochana's "Album MP3s" site page!
The Psalmist blesses us with another love song ... Yochana's messianic inspired rendition of "Mi Khamokha" serves as a sample of how the ancient Hebrew prayers fit perfectly with a faith that receives the glory of the SON ... YESHUA HaMashiach BEN ELOHIM! Ultimately YESHUA is the answer to the great question ... WHO is like THEE oh LORD ALMIGHTY? Please continue in prayer for the children and land of Israel and that the people (haAM) realize that their fate lies in the hands of THE LORD and that the GREAT GOEL is indeed YESHUA!
The inspired song has been provided for audio download and can be found at the Psalmist's "Album MP3s" site page! Additionally the song streams as a video and can be found at the "Psalmist's Heart" site page!